Formstack Acquires Open Raven And Expands Data Management Capabilities

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Formstack’s acquisition of Open Raven integrates advanced data security and management capabilities into its platform, enhancing workflow automation and compliance. This move, led by new CTO Dave Cole, aims to improve productivity and data control for over 32,000 global customers. The expanded features promise significant benefits, including increased efficiency and streamlined data handling.

A New Era in Data Management

Formstack, a prominent player in the form, document, and eSignature software market, has made a significant move by acquiring Open Raven, a company specializing in data security and management. This acquisition marks a pivotal moment for Formstack as it seeks to broaden its capabilities and enhance its workflow automation platform. With over 32,000 customers worldwide, Formstack’s decision to integrate Open Raven’s technology underscores its commitment to addressing the evolving needs of data management and security.

The Strategic Move: Why Formstack Acquires Open Raven

Formstack’s acquisition of Open Raven is driven by a strategic vision to incorporate advanced data security and management features into its existing platform. Aled Miles, Formstack’s CEO, emphasizes the importance of this acquisition in providing customers with comprehensive data control and security. Open Raven’s expertise in data discovery, classification, and visibility will significantly augment Formstack’s offerings, enabling users to achieve better data compliance and activation within their workflows.

Meet the New CTO: Dave Cole’s Vision for Formstack

Dave Cole, the founder and former CEO of Open Raven, brings a wealth of experience to his new role as Formstack’s Chief Technology Officer. Having previously served as Chief Product Officer at Tenable and Crowdstrike, Cole is well-versed in the intricacies of data security. He envisions a seamless integration of Open Raven’s technology into Formstack, aiming to create a robust platform that not only enhances data security but also improves productivity and efficiency. Cole’s strategic insights are expected to play a crucial role in driving Formstack’s future innovations.

Enhanced Capabilities: What Open Raven Brings to the Table

Open Raven’s data security platform is renowned for its ability to provide comprehensive cloud data visibility and streamline compliance processes. The platform offers features such as:

  • Data discovery
  • Data classification
  • Enhanced visibility and control

These features will be integrated into Formstack’s workflow automation platform, providing users with a holistic approach to data management. The acquisition allows Formstack to address growing security and compliance risks while ensuring that data remains an asset rather than a liability. This integration will enable organizations to be more productive, cost-effective, and compliant with ever-evolving data regulations.

Transforming Workflows: New Features and Integrations

The integration of Open Raven into Formstack’s platform introduces several new features and enhancements aimed at improving data workflows. Users will benefit from:

  • Data Discovery: Automated identification and cataloging of sensitive data across the organization.
  • Data Classification: Categorization of data based on sensitivity and compliance requirements.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Comprehensive dashboards providing a 360-degree view of data across various cloud environments.
  • Improved Control: Tools to manage and secure data effectively, reducing unnecessary costs and risks.

These features enable Formstack users to seamlessly incorporate data compliance and security into their existing workflows. The addition of Open Raven’s capabilities ensures that data management is no longer a separate process but an integral part of everyday operations, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

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Customer Impact: What This Means for Formstack Users

Formstack customers can expect significant improvements in how they manage and secure their data. Feedback from early adopters highlights several key benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: Streamlined data workflows free up time for more strategic tasks.
  • Enhanced Security: Integrated data security features reduce the risk of breaches and compliance issues.
  • Simplified Compliance: Automated tools help ensure that data handling meets regulatory standards.

Users across various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology, report that these enhancements enable them to handle data more effectively, leading to better decision-making and operational outcomes. The integration promises to deliver substantial value, making data an asset that drives business success.

The Future of Data Management: Formstack’s Next Steps

Following the acquisition, Formstack has outlined an ambitious roadmap to further enhance its platform. Key focus areas include:

  • AI Integration: Leveraging artificial intelligence to provide deeper insights and automate more complex data tasks.
  • Broader Data Capabilities: Expanding the platform’s ability to handle diverse data types and sources.
  • User Experience: Continually improving the user interface to make data management tools more accessible and intuitive.

Formstack aims to become the go-to solution for organizations looking to automate workflows and manage data securely. By integrating Open Raven’s technology, Formstack is well-positioned to address the growing needs of businesses in a data-driven world.

A Promising Future for Formstack and Its Users

The acquisition of Open Raven by Formstack marks a significant milestone in the evolution of data management and security. This strategic move not only enhances Formstack’s platform but also provides its customers with the tools they need to navigate an increasingly complex data landscape. With the combined expertise of both companies, Formstack is set to deliver even greater value to its users, enabling them to be more productive, efficient, and secure. The future looks bright for Formstack and its commitment to transforming how organizations handle their most valuable asset: data.

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