A Free Opportunity for All!
We believe in giving voice to diverse business stories. That’s why we offer everyone a free opportunity to share their journey on DailyCompanyNews. While the standard submission is free of charge, we understand that some might want to gain exposure faster. For those eager to get their story out there sooner, we offer expedited options.
Example of a Featured Story:
Curious about how your story might appear on our front page? Here’s an example of a feature we’ve previously published:
Meet StudioDrop – E-commerce Photoshoot Platform Offering All-In-One Solution For Fashion Brands
This is a representation of the quality and professionalism you can expect when your story is featured on DailyCompanyNews.
Submission Requirements:
- Media Kit or Images: Attach a media kit or a minimum of 2 pictures that you’d like to accompany your post.
- Website Link: Provide a link to your company’s official website.
- Credit Information: Mention the name of the person who should be credited for the interview.
- Function/Title: Specify the function or title of the credited person in the firm (e.g., CEO, CFO, etc.).
Help Us Get to Know You Better:
Choose 4 of the following questions and email us your answers:
- Can you provide a brief overview of your company?
- What makes your company unique?
- What is your core competence?
- What advantage does your company have over its competitors?
- How would you convince the reader to start using your services?
- What’s the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
- Is there anything more you would like to add or highlight?
Ready to Share Your Story? Email Us Now!
hello[at] dailycompanynews.com
What happens after I submit my content?
Once you’ve submitted your content to DailyCompanyNews, our editorial team will review it for potential publication. After your submission, you’ll receive an email confirmation acknowledging receipt.
Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, it might take up to 30 days for your content to be featured on our platform. However, if you’re eager to get your story out there faster, we offer expedited options:
Fast-Track Your Publication:
- Express Feature ($285 USD): Skip the waiting queue entirely and get your content featured as soon as the next day.
- Priority Feature ($185 USD): Skip the waiting queue and ensure your content is featured within the next 3 days.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
- Are there any specific formatting requirements for the content?
- There aren’t strict formatting requirements, but we recommend submitting content in a Word document or Google Doc format. Ensure that any images or media kits are of high resolution.
- Is there a word limit for submissions?
- While there isn’t a strict word limit, we recommend keeping your content concise and engaging. Typically, articles range between 400 -1500 words.
- How do I know if my content has been accepted?
- We will notify you via email once your content has been reviewed and accepted for publication.