Below is our recent interview with Aaron Gore, Sr. Director of Business Development at Bevana:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Bevana is a platform that connects artisan beverage makers from across the world with the enthusiastic customers they would otherwise be unable to reach. Whether due to capacity shortages, capital gaps, or simply lacking experience with wide-scale distribution and sales, we help overcome those challenges by leveraging the advantages of scale on behalf of small, independent, passionate makers. Local passion, delivered globally
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: We first launched in 2020 as Community Brewing Ventures, to bring our mission of helping grow and develop small beverage companies to the market. Now, we are rebranding as Bevana, to put our focus not only on the companies that we help, but also on the customers and drinkers that make us successful. Bevana is about more than just beer in a glass. We are about people, and community, and the passion that we want to preserve and grow within this industry. No one should miss out on their next favorite drink just because of where they happen to live.

Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: We work with large beverage companies that specialize in producing large quantities of beer, kombucha, cider, and so on. Oftentimes their sheer scale is out of reach of the very makers they are ostensibly supposed to serve. By consolidating our resources, without consolidating the companies themselves, we are able to gain the benefits of negotiating and working at scale, while retaining the community impact, rapid innovation, and authentic stories of a small independent business. In short, we help small companies operate like they are big, and big companies gain the benefits of being small.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: We are launching with new partners every single month, bringing the most innovative and high-quality beverages throughout our footprint. We are also launching an e-commerce platform very soon, allowing customers to access our entire network of partners regardless of where they are located. Our goal is to shorten the distance between great beverage products and the people who enjoy them

Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: We understand the challenges that face our partners, because we grew out of a craft beverage company ourselves. D9 Brewing Company was one of the fastest growing breweries in the southeast, but we began to face a quandary of how to continue growing and reaching customers without running into a wall of limited brewing capacity Our entire model was innovated to help us grow our own business, and overcome the challenges we were facing as we scaled up. It was that experience that made us realize that this same solution could not only help other businesses, but would actually become even more powerful as we collectivized. So we don’t just work with our partners. We truly understand what difficulties they face, and that helps us truly be responsive to their needs.