Below is out interview with Nelson Campbell, CEO of PlantPure:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Making the shift from the Standard American Diet to the whole food, plant-based dietary lifestyle is optimal for both human health, healthcare system sustainability and global resource preservation. Physicians and healthcare professionals hold the keys to shift dietary patterns on a broad scale, yet on average they receive less than 20 hours of nutrition education during their training.
While many individuals have come to understand the benefits a plant-based lifestyle, until physicians and other wellness practitioners understand and embrace the benefits as well, this dietary shift on a broad scale will be elusive.
Q: Can you give us any highlights on your recent announcement and more insights into your offering?
I would emphasize that the PlantPure Rx program is the first program of its kind anywhere in the world. Using this program, a medical practitioner can prescribe a nutritional immersion program as easily as they can prescribe a drug.
I also would emphasize that a plant-based diet, which is what the immersion program is focused on helping people transition to, can not only prevent disease, but can also can often reverse chronic conditions, even serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In the short span of 10 days – the length of the immersion – people who are taking medications for chronic conditions can often reduce or eliminate those medications.
Finally, I would emphasize that the PlantPure Rx program makes it easy on the patient. Because we provide daily meal support, along with additional culinary instruction, it’s easy for patients to live plant-based during the 10-days as they are also learning about the diet through our education program.
To see an outline of the program, you can visit PlantPureRx.com.

In addition to these details, there is one other point worth making here. We are encouraging practitioners to consider launching the PlantPure Rx program in their communities through groups. The program is set up for individual patients, but a group of people can also go through it together. Assembling a group of clinic staff, patients and others from the community is a great way to get some quick buzz in the community around the program. And if practitioners can organize group immersions involving a sufficient number of people, our team will travel to the site to help kick off the immersion.
Of course, practitioners do not need to organize community immersions to kick off the program. They can simply begin prescribing PlantPure Rx to incoming patients.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
We will remain focused on launching the PlantPure Rx program in partnership with The Plantrician Project. This organization is a leading organization in the promotion of the plant-based nutrition message to healthcare practitioners, so we are honored to have them as a partner.
Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
With respect to PlantPure, I think the thing we are most proud of is the wholistic nature of the strategy we are pursuing to contribute to the growing plant-based nutrition movement. We are pursuing a multi-faceted strategy involving food products, education, the PlantPure Rx program, a vast network of local support and advocacy groups, and a new web-based social action platform to empower people in local communities to help share the message of plant-based nutrition.
We also are a philanthropically minded company. We are planning to develop and implement strategies for bringing our health message and a new line of affordable meal starter products into underserved communities waiving 100% of our profit margin, so that eating plant-based becomes the most affordable way to eat in these communities. We also are going to donate 50% of our future profits to non profit groups engaged in our grassroots strategy.

Finally, if people want to get a sense of both our strategy and our social mission, we suggest they watch a film I wrote and directed called PlantPure Nation. This was released in theaters in over 100 communities in 2015, and is now playing on Amazon Prime, iTunes and YouTube.
With respect to Plantrician Project, I have, as noted, copied Alexis Corrigan on this email, and will let her provide additional information here on their organization. All I will say is that I think the world of this group, and look forward to a long partnership with them.