Below is our recent interview with Wendi M. Davis, Life Coach, Author and YouTube Creator, Founder of wendidavis.com.
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your book “What Cootchie Wash Do You Use?”
A: This is a funny, yet insightful book for women. It is full of useful information and something that women across the world will be able to read, cherish, and giggle about. The advice and life experiences are coming from my own online dating journey where I succeeded. The insights in the book are realistic and do not portray a rosy world where your partner or yourself need to be perfect in order to love each other. It serves as a reminder that even though this process can be frustrating…hang in there! You CAN find who you are looking for.
Q: Where is book available?
A: The book is available on Amazon in print and eBook formats. It will soon be available through Audible for the audio version.

Q: Who is book for? What is your message to our readers?
A: This book is for all women. I wrote this book to serve as a reminder that we, as women, should know our worth and not accept anything less than what we want and deserve. With our busy schedules, we sometimes can lose ourselves and this book serves as a reminder to keep our wants and needs in the forefront.
Q: What can we expect from you in next 12 months? What are your plans?
A: You can expect two more books from me this year on growing your career path and learning to love yourself. I also plan on releasing 3 online courses this year to include one on Finding Yourself, one on Dating after divorce and lastly, one on how to love yourself. I will also be starting a new YouTube Channel about improving our self-confidence, self-esteem, self-image, self-awareness, dating, marriage and everything in-between!
Q: What’s the best thing about your book that people might not know about?
A: When people see the title, they will most likely giggle or laugh. I chose this title because I knew it will invoke that reaction but I wanted this title to be a subtle reminder to not take ourselves too seriously. We can get wrapped up with trying to find “our person” that we miss everything else going on. So, I want readers to know that this book serves as a reminder to slow down, don’t rush… what is meant for you will come in time.