Below is our recent interview with the team at Flash-Card Mania:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Flash-Card Mania is a Web APP that works on almost any device. We’ve set it up so that anybody can earn money by registering a domain name about something they’re interested in and creating content on the site.
The creator of content can earn money from that content. For example we have Flash-Card News, Flash-Card Travel, Flash-Card Beatles more. We can answer all of your questions and help you get started with content creation.
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: We’ve recently created Flash-Card Democracy for use by any organization or person that wants to conduct an informed poll. Anybody can contact us and we will work with them to help created a poll based on the issue they are interested in gauging public opinion on. However, what sets us apart from all other polls is that the people that participate in our polls must be well informed. We help you create Flash-Cards to educate people about all sides of any given issue and a timed test to verify understanding before taking part in the poll. Our APP generates a verification code, which is the key to polling.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: We also are utilizing some unique technology to make our APP free of charge at various locations. For example, in Calgary, Alberta, our Flash-Card News is free of charge at most independent coffee shops and restaurants to help these businesses generate return traffic. The pandemic was hard on businesses, especially mom & pop shops, so this location based feature was set up to help these businesses.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: We are planning on setting up a non-profit society with our Flash-Card Democracy APP so that we can solicit funds to advertise our polls and also publish the poll results. This will bring more attention to the whole Flash-Card Mania project.
Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: We’ve set up a system so that any non-profit society can earn money by selling subscriptions to our Flash-Card News. We will allow non-profits to sell subscriptions at a deep discount from the price advertised on the APP and we allow them to keep 100% of the profits from their sales. In other words, if a non-profit makes $10,000 in subscription sales for Flash-Card News, they keep all of the $10,000. Flash-Card Mania benefits from the word of mouth spread about our offerings.