Below is our recent interview with Margo Joy, Author of the Lucky Ladybug series:
Margo Joy is an accomplished Recording Artist, Singer, Songwriter, Actress, Voiceover Artist, Producer, Cantor. She is the Author of the Lucky Ladybug series, which is available in print, ebook, audiobook, video, songs, activity books, and merchandise. Inspired by her love for ladybugs and how they have brought her luck since childhood, Margo created the series to brighten children’s lives and homes with high vibrations of positive energy and love, while teaching them the importance of friendship and kindness. Her goal is for Lucky Ladybug to reach others to bring luck, love, faith, and abundance through God. Margo believes that Lucky Ladybug will bring blessings to many.
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to the Lucky Ladybug series?
A: Lucky Ladybug teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed books, ebooks and coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more.

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Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: I just announced the release of “Learn With Us! Lucky Ladybug and Friends!” This is the second book in the Lucky Ladybug children’s series, Lesson from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug introduces her friends Bubbly Butterfly, Buddy Bee, Flashy Fly and Toodaloo Turtle in this second book of the series. Together, they teach important lessons in the engaging videos and on each page of the printed books, ebooks, and coloring books, including a song about each lesson and activity available through audio books and music albums, and other resources that reiterate the importance of each lesson in the book and the value of sharing, caring, beauty from within; learn about school, happiness, honesty, listening, respect, forgiveness, giving, finding yourself, patience, musical instruments, singing, drama, reading, friendship, dancing, teamwork, relaxing, fun, cooking, nutrition, alphabet, numbers, time, confidence, acceptance, achievement, following your dreams and more. Enjoy learning with Lucky Ladybug and Friends!
Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: There is much more to come for Lucky Ladybug and her friends, as you will soon see. The third book from the Lucky Ladybug series, Lessons from the Heart, along with more songs, activity books, animated cartoon videos, and an introduction to each child in the class is in production now. All types of merchandise can be found on the website as well. Games, toys, activities, and many books in the series are in development at this time.
Toddlers and Preschoolers are delightfully enraptured with Lucky Ladybug’s Official YouTube Channel.